Watermelon Caprese Salad- This dish is a summery take on the traditional Caprese salad! 


Ingredients                                        Yield: 4 servings

½ Watermelon (I buy a small-medium sized one)

1 Large sphere of mozzarella (usually 1-2lbs) IMG_5839

20 Cherry tomatoes

6-8 Basil leaves

1tsp Olive oil

½tsp Balsamic vinegar

TT Salt and pepper



Method of Preparation:

  1. Cube watermelon and set aside in a large serving bowl
  2. Cube the mozzarella the same size or smaller than the watermelon, and place into serving bowl
  3. Halve the tomatoes and place into serving bowl
  4. Chop the basil roughly and sprinkle over salad
  5. Drizzle with olive oil and a little balsamic
  6. Serve slightly chilled and or room temperature for desired flavor