Craft Candy… what is it and why do you want it? ‘Fla•VƏr (“Flaver”) has 11 days left of their Kickstarter Campaign thats adding a little something sweet to the lives of those who enjoy something sweet, savory, and artisan crafted. These candies are simple, stylish, and also come in cool flavor combinations such as Roasted Rich and Savory Sweet Cherry, Buttered Popcorn, Essence of Rosemary Cream, Lime Chipotle and more. These 25 gram treat size pop-able candies are great for on the go as well as come with a dispenser for easy access and instant happiness.
Creative Concepts Inc. uses natural flavor and coloring, small batch crafting methods, and also is known for their popular displays of popular kids candies in specialty stores. They are known for beautiful dispenser displays, and now these artisan candies.
This little dispenser holds quality candies, it’s sleek and modern (at 9inches tall), and is great for a home, office, hotel, coffee shop, and waiting rooms. It also makes a great gift and is simply delicious and gluten free. The mini packs are less then 100 calories, so if you were to pair any and or all with some wine or a cocktail… you can do that too.
Let’s support the production of this unique and cool candy product and dispenser. Display your favorite ‘Fla•VƏr and watch the excitement these candies will bring to those you love.
By Aug. 28th 2015 at 9pm they will hopefully reach their goal of $10k needed to fund this product for distribution. If you love candy thats artisan crafted in cool flavors, then you will love ‘Fla•VƏr!
What flavor was my favorite? I have two… and they SHOCKED me! I love, love, love the buttered popcorn which was so weird considering I disliked buttered popcorn flavored candy my entire life… this one however, won my heart. I also loved the Cherry which tastes “roasted, rich, and savory yet sweet”!
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